Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is MetaCity M an online game?
Yes, MetaCity M is an online game. Thousands of players from all over the world await you in this metaverse full of characters, buildings and cities that you can explore in each game.
Is MetaCity M free?
Yes, MetaCity M is free. You won't have to pay a dime to start your own adventure in this futuristic universe where you will meet many other people.
What is the name of MetaCity M's metaverse?
MetaCity M's metaverse name is 'Titan'. This extensive world is fragmented into several zones that you can visit as you level up and build your own home.
It won't open! Why is it every time I think I found a way to play this damn game, it won't even let me. How are people playing this game??? I wanted to, and for some reason I just cant :( Please, some...See more